We know you have a lot of questions. We will try to answer some of those questions here. You are always welcome to give us a call and ask about anything on your mind. Custom Comfort Air is proud to offer the best service in the industry.

  1. Why is my furnace humming when off?
  2. Why is my thermostat making a buzzing noise?
  3. What are common causes of poor airflow?
  4. Why is the temperature uneven in my home?
  5. What size air conditioner do I need?
  6. What is the meaning of SEER rating?
  7. How do I know if I should replace my air conditioner unit?
  8. Why does my furnace smell when I turn it on?
  9. Should I cover my AC or furnace units in the fall/winter?
  10. What is the best way to improve indoor air quality?
  11. What are the benefits of home humidification?

Why is my furnace humming when off?

Humming in your furnace can be caused by a number of things, but if it’s happening when it’s turned off, it’s likely because of the transformer and the attached ductwork. Having one of our HVAC experts reposition the transfer often solves the problem.

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Why is my thermostat making a buzzing noise?

If your thermostat is making a buzzing noise when you turn it on or off, it’s likely because there is dirt trapped between the switch contacts in the thermostat. The friction causes the buzzing sound. If this occurs, you may need your thermostat replaced, as the dirt buildup will only increase.

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What are common causes of poor airflow?

There are many reasons your airflow could be poor. An obstructed condenser unit or vents blocked by furniture could be the reason. It could also be due to a clogged filter, dust buildup in your air ducts, a low thermostat battery, low refrigerant, or even a dirty fan or condenser coil.

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Why is the temperature uneven in my home?

You may be experiencing uneven temperatures in your home because of closed vents, poorly insulated or leaking air ducts, windows that are not sealed properly, or an air conditioner that is too small for your home. Our HVAC experts can help identify the problem and find a solution that’s right for you.

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What size air conditioner do I need?

If you’re shopping for an air conditioner, a good rule of thumb is to select one that has a British Thermal Units (BTU) rating of 20 for each square foot of living space in your home. However, keep in mind that taller ceilings or large windows can mean you need a higher BTU.

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What is the meaning of SEER rating?

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. It is the ratio between the average cooling output over a given cooling season. The higher the SEER rating, the more energy-efficient the system is and the more money you save on your electricity bill.

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How do I know if I should replace my air conditioner unit?

If you’ve noticed that your AC unit is no longer cooling your home like it’s supposed to, or you’re not able to cool your home effectively, you may need to consider replacing your AC unit. Older air conditioners (more than 15 years old) are near the end of their lifespan and may need to be replaced, as well. The best way to know, of course, is to consult with a trusted and experienced technician.

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Why does my furnace smell when I turn it on?

When your furnace sits for long periods of time, dust can build up around the vents, heat exchangers, and registers. It’s common for a furnace to smell when first turned on at the beginning of a heating season because of that dust buildup. This is perfectly normal. However, if the smell doesn’t go away after a couple of days, call Custom Comfort Air to diagnose the problem.

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Should I cover my AC or furnace units in the fall/winter?

Your AC and furnace units are built to withstand rain and snow, but leaves and debris can cause damaging blockages and buildup. This is why it’s best to cover your air conditioner unit in the fall. Covering them in the winter is not necessary, but you can if you choose to do so. However, make sure the fabric you use to cover the units is breathable and does not trap moisture.

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What is the best way to improve indoor air quality?

The best way to improve your indoor air quality is to reduce contaminants in your home. You can do this by having an HVAC professional make sure your air ducts are clean and replacing the air filter. You can also purchase a whole-home air purifier, or consider solutions such as humidity control and UV lights, as well as ventilation and other factors that impact your IAQ.

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What are the benefits of home humidification?

Home humidifiers offer benefits throughout all seasons, not just dry periods. Humidifying your home can lead to healthier skin, better sleep, and fewer allergy symptoms. The more humid air is also great for preparing for flu season, since you are more likely to catch the flu when your sinuses are dry and irritated. If you have antique furniture in your home, humidification also keeps it in good shape and extends its lifespan.


Older systems are less efficient and may be more prone to trouble. Repairing older systems can be costly, not to mention the inconvenience of it all. Older systems are also less efficient, which means they use more energy. Higher energy costs and repair bills mean it’s time to replace.


If your unit is broken, use the rule of 5000. Multiply the age of your system by the cost of the repairs. If that number exceeds $5,000, then it’s a good idea to replace it.


If some rooms are warmer than others, there may be issues with duct work or trouble with your equipment. A qualified Custom Comfort Air service technician can rebalance your system or install a new system that gets the job done correctly. If you have been opening and closing vents in your home, that’s a sign you need a service technician to come out. All vents should remain fully open to prevent putting strain on your system.


A noisy unit means your system may need repair. It’s time to call Custom Comfort Air to find out if you need a repair or if it’s time to replace your system. Avoid an emergency. Call now before your unit breaks down.
If you have humidity problems.

Humidity problems can cause your system to work overtime. In addition, humidity may be contributing to health issues in the home. If it’s too dry, that’s a problem. If it’s too humid, that’s also a problem.


Excessive dust can indicate problems with your air ducts, your air filters, or if your system has other problems. Not only can dust be annoying, it can also be a sign that something is seriously wrong with your system.


There are options available today that should be considered when replacing your system. New features that provide for much cleaner air in the home are available. Better filtration systems and air purification systems that remove airborne contaminates can help you have a healthier home.