3 Ways to Lower Your Summer Cooling Bills
As much as we all love having a cool home during Houston’s hot summer months, we don’t love the energy bills. Luckily, there are a few simple tricks and tips that any homeowner can implement to slash their cooling costs. Plus, consuming less energy is environmentally friendly!
The expert technicians here at Custom Comfort Air recommend taking these three steps to reduce your home cooling bills this summer.
1. Close Your Shades
Closing your blinds during the day is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to cut down on your energy bills. When sunlight shines through your windows, it heats up your home and forces your AC to work harder to cool the internal temperature back down again. To avoid turning your home into a daytime greenhouse, simply draw the shades during daylight hours and re-open them again after night falls.
2. Program Your Thermostat
There’s no reason to have your AC running full blast when your house is empty. Fortunately, programmable thermostats give you the power to schedule your AC so that it’s not running as powerfully when you’re away from home. Raising the temperature by even a few degrees during the day will significantly lower your monthly bill.
3. Schedule Routine HVAC Maintenance
Routine maintenance keeps your AC running smoothly and at peak energy efficiency. Even minor issues like a dirty air filter can be enough to reduce your AC’s efficiency and raise your energy bills. Anytime your AC has to work harder to reach your desired temperature, it burns up more energy, which in turn contributes to higher bills. To keep your cooling costs as low as possible, it’s smart to invest in a yearly professional tune-up.
Your Local Energy Efficiency Experts
Interested in getting your home’s heating and cooling system operating at peak performance? Our skilled technicians at Custom Comfort Air can provide your system with the tune-up and maintenance it needs to keep your home comfortable at an affordable price. Since 1969, we have been Houston’s go-to contractor for heating and air conditioning needs. We also provide air quality services. Give us a call today!